Mobile Applications Global Strategy at BNP Paribas CIB
BNP Paribas CIB was looking for guidance to put in plance a Global Mobile Appliations Strategy to develop its expertise to build mobile applications internaly.
With our expertise, we have helped BNP Paribas CIB define its obile Applications Strategy and developped and reusable approach they could use to deploy mobile applications internaly while meeting their security and comformity standards. APPROVE and PeopleSearch were the first pilot projects we have built to showcase the concept.
APPROVE is a web and mobile centralized application to help BNP Paribas managers approve/reject requests comming from different global systems such as ServiceNow and Sailpoint. With APPROVE, gone are the days where managers needed to spend the whole day approving requests on different systems, simply log in on APPROVE, chose the services you want to manage and review your employees requests in one powerful application.
PeopleSearch is web and mobile application to help BNP Paribas CIB employees view team organizational charts featuring managers and direct reports, corporate information, pictures and much more.