+1 800-997-0203 info@nvcore.com

Human Capital Management

Human Capital Management

Human capital management (HCM) is a set of practices related to people resource management. These practices are focused on the organizational need to provide specific competencies and are implemented in three categories: workforce acquisition, workforce management and workforce optimization. We can help you deliver innovative, forward-thinking and robust human resource  solutions to advance your business strategies

Web Responsive and Mobile Applications to visualize organizational structures, budget, performance and many more KPIs

Web Responsive and Mobile Applications to design and model organizatin

Web Responsive and Mobile Applications to visualize the impacts of mergers, acquizitions and diversitures

APIs and scripts to interface with major HR systems

Web Responsive and Mobile Applications that include games, badges, points and reward mechanisms for employees

Want to take your project to the next level?




+1 800-997-0203